TOPP Tutorial#

The following tutorial is an introduction to TOPP and TOPPView. Let’s start with understanding the intent and concept of TOPP compared to OpenMS. Later, we will move to the handling of TOPPView which is our central GUI. Apart from viewing data, TOPPView can also be used to analyze it using selected TOPP tools; how-to is explained in the third part of the tutorial.

Finally, the tutorial lists the command line interfaces for all TOPP tools contained in the release.


Let’s understand the intent of TOPP and OpenMS.

TOPPView Main Interface#

In the following section, we will learn about the main features of TOPPView and its basic uses.

Calling TOPP tools from TOPPView#

The following part of the tutorial illustrates how to interactively analyse proteomics data using TOPP tools from within TOPPView.

Advanced Users: Tips & Tricks#

Read TOPP for Advanced Users to know more about how to use advanced functionalities, increasing productivity.

Scripting with TOPP#

This part of the tutorial gives a detailed overview of the most important TOPP tools. First, some basics needed for every TOPP tool are explained, then several example pipelines are shown.