TOPP - The OpenMS Proteomics Pipeline is a pipeline for the analysis of HPLC-MS data. It consists of several small applications that can be chained to create analysis pipelines tailored for a specific problem.

The TOPP tools are divided into several subgroups, like graphical tools, file handling, signal processing and preprocessing, quantitation, map alignment, protein/peptide identification, protein/peptide processing, targeted experiments and OpenSWATH, peptide property prediction, cross-linking, quality-control, among a few.

Few of the graphical tools are explained below:

For advanced documentation on every TOPP tool, see the OpenMS TOPP API Reference.


Besides TOPP, OpenMS offers range of other tools. They are not included in TOPP as they are not part of typical analysis pipelines. A set of command line utilities, similar to TOPP tools, mostly used during pipeline construction or parameter optimization.

Let’s explore one such utitliy tool: